Deep, Oyster City win Best Florida Beer medals

Deep Brewing, which is coming up on its three-year anniversary later this year, won a gold medal in the "Amber or Red Ale" category for its REEFraction — a dank, hop-forward beer that won bronze last year in the "Double IPA" division. Deep also won silver in the "English Brown Ale" category for Jack Brown, which recently went into distribution around Tallahassee.
The gold medal was Deep's first in two years of submitting brews to BFB, which then took all the gold medal winners — in all the divisions — and rated them in a race for "Best Overall Beer."
And guess what? REEFraction took third place overall in the entire state!
In a word: W-O-W.
"The team at Deep Brewing Co. is humbled to have our beers judged to be among the best in the state," said owner and head brewer Ryan LaPete, who won two silvers and a bronze for his beers last year in the same competition. "REEFraction is a beer we created with a focus on raising money to benefit coral reef science and to have it named the third-best beer in the state of Florida is quite the honor."
Oyster City, meanwhile, earned its first-ever BFB medal this past weekend when its Red Right Return Amber Ale took bronze in the same "Amber or Red Ale" category as Deep. And that news had OCBC head brewer Clayton Mathis grinning from ear to ear.
"We were thrilled to receive a medal in the Best Florida Beer competition this year," said Mathis, whose brewery opened in 2014. "We have been making Red Right Return for over two years now, and it has become a brewery staple. It boasts a gorgeous dark amber color and some sweetness from caramel and crystal malts, and it's lightly hopped with citrusy Centennial and Cascade hops."
Both Deep and Oyster City then poured those award-winning beers for guests during the "Brewer's Ball" after the awards ceremony, allowing everyone to taste the award-winning brews.
Congrats to Deep and Oyster City on these huge wins. We couldn't be more proud!
Grasslands releases TLH Soccer Club beer
GrassLands is renowned for supporting local businesses and organizations, so their announcement last week that they'd brewed a new beer in collaboration with the Tallahassee Soccer Club was just the latest in their long line of #LocalSupportingLocal initiatives.
Named appropriately, To The Goal, the new beer — which went on tap this past Saturday in the GrassLands' tasting room — is a session IPA with a citrus kick. And according to GrassLands owner Gabe Grass, To The Goal will now be on tap permanently, including throughout the TLH Soccer Club's season, which kicks off May 4th at home against the Savannah, Georgia, Clovers.
Ology's membership program sells out
Memberships for the "Rooftop Syndicate," the name of Ology Brewing's first membership program it launched Saturday, sold out in one day. Owner Nick Walker said he was thrilled to see such a strong response.
"It was a blast," he said. "We will be releasing the member exclusive barrel-aged sour bottles first during our anniversary celebration (in a couple of months). It will be blueberry, cinnamon, vanilla and triple peach sour. Membership packages will be sent out in about a month."
In other Ology news, they're pouring at two huge festivals this week, including Garagiste Meadery's "Magnumpalooza" on Thursday in Tampa, followed by the granddaddy of them all, Cigar City's "Hunahpu's Day" on Saturday, also in Tampa.
Proof defending Hunahphu's Day title
Proof is also pouring in Cigar City's iconic Hunahpu's Day beer festival this weekend, serving up Key Lime Pie Evil Kiss Berliner Weiss and Rum Barrel-Aged Coconut Macadamia Royal Bloodline Stout for attendees. Last year at the Hunahpu's Day fest, Proof won "Best Overall Brewery" and "Best Overall Beer" (Blue Raspberry Evil Kiss Berliner Weiss) so they will be both pouring and defending their Hunahpu's Day title Saturday in Tampa.
Lake Tribe-Fools Fire collab
It's hard to believe that in the five years that the Tallahassee craft beer has been around, no local breweries have collaborated on a beer yet.
Well, that streak ended last week.
More immediately, this weekend at Lake Tribe they will host another edition of their "West Side Craft Market" and "Crafts & Drafts" event Saturday. And Tribe is already planning its four-year anniversary party, which is set for March 29-30. This year, it will be a two-day event with food trucks and live bands and at least six new LTB beers released.
Stay tuned for more on that in our next column!
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Big Bend Brewfest rescheduled
Due to inclement weather this past Saturday, the 2nd Annual Big Bend BrewFest was rescheduled for March 16.